Sunday, June 7, 2009

Good morning. Dean woke up this morning feeling really weak and washed out, but with no nausea, which is a bonus. He wants to take the dogs for a walk around the block, but I want him to save any energy he has so that he can come and watch Amy and Billy perform with their school band at lunch time. Amy and Billy are off to Rotorua in 3 weeks with their band for a World Music Festival. They are performing today as part of St Pats College 80th birthday celebrations.
Deans' brother Jarrod and his family are staying the night so that will be great to catch up with them.


  1. Good Luck to Amy and Billy witht heir concert. Hope Dean gets to go see them!!!
    My thoughts and love go to you Lea, Dean and the family!!

  2. Good luck with the preforming Amy and Billy ...thinking of you Dean
    lots of love Lea Dean and the family

  3. Dean we are thinking of you Lea & family. Good luck with the performance and the tour

  4. My prayers are with you all as a family. Dean, if you have no objections, my husband Peter and I will add you to our prayer list and pray for you on a regular basis.. Take care.
