Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bugger bugger bugger!!!!! Deans platelet level has dropped even further :< So no treatment again this week......this is getting very frustrating.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dean was quite chirpy this morning then after being out and about for a couple of hours he has come home very dizzy and has crashed on the lounge and is sound asleep. Stunning weather here today so if he is up to it later we will head over to the botanic gardens for a while.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

BUMMER!!! :< Deans platelet result came back, and they have dropped even more!! So, treatment is still on hold. Very disappointing. Dean is getting very frustrated.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dean has been feeling a bit dizzy over the last couple of days, so has tried to take things easy. He is also feeling pretty nauseus this arv. Hopefully his blood test results tomorrow will be positive and he can continue treatment.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dean has had a pretty good week. :> He's got lots of stuff done that he wanted to do. He is over the majority of his tiredness (at the moment). He went for his blood test today and got a phone call that treatment is on hold again for now because his platelets are too low -by just a smidge :<
He is disappointed, but what can you do !!??!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dean has been extremely tired the last few days, and has spent most of his time sleeping.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Deans been feeling pretty sick and dizzy most of the week, but he is feeling better today and is outside washing the car. Last night we had Amys school formal. So we took the opportunity to get some nice pics. Isn't she a stunner!!!(I am not biased very much at all) :> :>:>
She had a great night. I got to bed at 1:30 after taking her to the after party and she rang me at 7:oo this morning ready to be picked up. She is cactus on the lounge and I don't think there will be much movement from her for quite a while.